Nice to meet you

Bootstrapped solopreneur
After working as a designer at startups, design studios and in-house for 15 years, I quit my full-time job in 2019. Now I design and build digital products for myself and others and freelance as a product & UI designer.
Cross-dominant unicorn
My brain works differently than most. In most humans the left brain half is stronger than the right and they're therefore right-handed, -eyed & -footed. I have mixed laterality or cross dominance, which in my case, means I'm right-eyed, left-handed and right-footed.
The brain halves haven't been able to decide which one is stronger. I was never any good at sports (hand-eye coordination). But I like to think of myself as an unicorn. One who can simultaneously be a logical left-brain developer and creative right-brain designer.
DJ and dance music enthusiast
I used to DJ a lot when I was younger. And I still very much enjoy spending time finding new music. Some of the places I've been lucky enough to DJ at include nightclubs in Berlin, Stockholm and Copenhagen and a ship in the Adriatic Sea. Here's a link to my Spotify playlists.
Ex-pat family man
I was born in Gothenburg, Sweden and moved to Denmark 10 years ago and live just north of Copenhagen with my wife and three children.
Denmark • 2014-My second company, where I freelance and consult for agencies & businesses to design products, UI and design systems.
Bang & Olufsen
Kongens Lyngby, Denmark • 2017-2019I was part of the UX team, designing UI across apps, speakers, TVs and cars. I served as the design & concept lead of the Bang & Olufsen app through a big redesign and a merger with the Beoplay app.
Malmö, Sweden • 2012-2017I worked with clients like H&M, Sony, Adidas, Fujitsu and Alphabet and saw the Malmö studio quadruple in size.
Stockholm, Sweden • 2007-2010I was an early employee at the startup and worked on the UI for a physical DJ mp3-player, a music transfer software and an online community for DJ mix sharing.
Sweden • 2003-2013My first company, where I worked with clients like Reason Studios and Native Instruments designing UI for music production software.
Hyper Island
Karlskrona, Sweden • 2003-2005Advanced Higher Vocational Education Diploma
Digital Media Creative
This site is built with SvelteKit and is hosted on Vercel. Email newsletter by EmailOctopus. Typeset in Proza Libre by Jasper de Waard of Bureau Roffa.
My progress towards building a fully-fledged indieweb siteLevel 0 - Register a domain name and have a personal website on that domain
Level 1 – IndieAuth, rel-me, posts, permalinks, h-entry, searchability
Level 2 – h-card, multiple types of posts, posse, actions, next/previous, search
Level 3 – Replies & webmentions, pubsub, search results
Level 4 – Comments & likes